About 2-3 years ago when I was in the height of my eBay Powerselling (I have since slacked off a bit) I had a conversation with a professional person who worked for a larger local employer. They had told me of their recent promotion and gloatingly asked me "Are you still making crafts?" Now I enjoy making crafts and have since I was a kid but the sarcastic tone made me ashamed to even be on the same street as this person.
I replied yes, but that my eBay business was really doing well and how much I enjoyed it. They looked at me and said "Oh, but don't you have a real job too?" I replied "That is my REAL job!" Now to tell you the truth their reaction really didn't surprise me. I had run across it at business mixers and chamber events but it has always made me wonder why doing something for a living out of your own home that is fun and profitable is not considered a real job.
Here are some definitions of job from Dictionary.com:
a piece of work, esp. a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price: She gave him the job of mowing the lawn.
anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility: It is your job to be on time.
an affair, matter, occurrence, or state of affairs: to make the best of a bad job.
To make the best of a bad job??? Well, there you go - we must be conditioned to think that work is meant to be tedious or expected. So many people have had to settle for just a paycheck and maybe even overlooked the positive that they can take out of their work situation that when some happy go lucky fool who makes crafts or sells on eBay comes their way they can't accept it as a "real" job.
As our world and economy changes we humans need to be open to new ideas and additional sources of income. The old saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" might not be a bad rule to follow in our bad economy. Be knowledgeable, savvy and most of all have fun doing it!
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