Saturday, April 4, 2009

Liquidation Sales - Are they worth it?

With the economic downturn worsening for retailers and many filing bankruptcy and liquidating, there has been a lot of talk about whether there really are bargains to be found at going out of business sales. Some retailers have been accused of selling damaged or older merchandise. The liquidating companies are interested in making their money - setting prices and making up the ads. They might also add their own merchandise or leftover merchandise from a past liquidation to the current one. To the unsuspecting bargin hunter, they could be walking away with no real deal.

Before you go through the doors, do your research. Check the items they are selling with other stores and you might find their prices are the same or slightly higher. Also remember you won't be getting any warranty. These are as is items. Insist on opening the box or packaging to check for damage or missing parts. If at all possible pay for your item(s) with a credit card. You'll have a better chance of getting a refund if something goes wrong.

There are legitimate liquidating companies out there. Some have been favorites of eBay sellers for years. Just do some research and remember the old saying "if it's too good to be true....

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